Volume 3, Issue 1 (March- 2014)                   Caspian J Dent Res 2014, 3(1): 41-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Esmaeili B, Razavi S, Pakdaman M, Bijani A, Amiri H. Comparative evaluation of the effect of Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Quartz Tungsten Halogen (QTH) light curing units on color stability of Filtek Z350 XT. Caspian J Dent Res 2014; 3 (1) :41-46
URL: http://cjdr.ir/article-1-98-en.html
,Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol-Iran. , razavidds@gmail.com
Abstract:   (13391 Views)

Introduction:Discoloration of the resin-based composites is a common problem in restorative dentistry. There are many factors associated with the discoloration of dental materials in the oral environment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color changes in a nano-composite cured with a quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) and light emitting diode (LED) unit.

Methods:80 disk-shaped specimens were prepared using Filtek Z350 XT.The specimens were cured with two LED units (Valo and BluephaseC5) and QTH ) Astralis7 ( with two different energy density (400 & 750 mW/Cm²). The color of the materials was measured before and after immersing in tea and artificial saliva. Color change value (ΔE) were calculated and analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test.

Results: In artificial saliva group, the composites cured with Astralis7 and BluephaseC5 showed significantly more color stability. In tea group, the composites cured with BluephaseC5 significantly had the least color change.

Conclusions: The type of light curing unit does not affect the color stability. Exposure time and interaction between light source and photo initiator content in composite may be the most important factors affecting color stability.

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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Restorative Dentistry
* Corresponding Author Address: Faculty of Dentistry, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol-Iran.

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